Friday 29 July 2011

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed in the things you did not do than the ones you did.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed in the things you did not do than the ones you did.  No it will be one less thing I regret.
My advise to all who read this blog. If you want something go out there and get it. Do it try it and you will be surprised how resilient you are. How well you cope and how much you can achieve. A simple trick to achieving in life is to set a simple goal for every day, make it easy and achievable and then proceed to get this. So in the same manner have a monthly goal and a yearly goal too. However simple try it and o it and you will achieve so much more. Remember 1 goal every day. Nothing more.

Monday 25 July 2011

Thank you Andrei

Спасибо Андрею

Говорят что лучший путь узнать Россию это путешествие с русским. Нам была удача путешествовать с тобой. Мы не только познали твою страну. В течение 3 недель мы обсуждали многие черты русского народа. Религия, производство, технические причины её огневой мощи, коммунизм, основатель Ленин, Сталин, наша общая звезда Горбачов. Ты делил с нами твои разнообразные знания лагерного исскуства в 35 градусной жаре, вождение по всей Европе и планы на будущее.

Мы не могли пожелать для себя лучшего гида и друга в этом путешествие. Ты показал нам всевозможные впечатления на нашем пути. Народ, местная кухня, даже пиво. Плюс мы начали процесс становиться Subaru 4WD гуру.

Андрей, мы не сможем некогда достаточно поблагодарить тебя. Слова не передадут мою благодарность за то что ты взял нас в это путешествие. Фантастическое, осуществление мечты, достижение раз в жызни. Рассказать нашим детям и внукам.

Я надеюсь отплатить когда нибудь за твое гостепреимство и показать тебе мою любимую страну Англию или тропический рай в котором я родился.

Saturday 23 July 2011


A dream, a journey, an adventure. It has been all of it for me. A childhood fantasy, a scary risky journey of some of the longest driving terrain in the world. 15 percent of the globe.
After the first couple of days we could not believe we were doing this journey. But it eventually sunk in. We are all on our journeys in life . This has been apart of the Journey for me. I have learnt a lot about myself and others. First of all I am glad I set about doing it. I am glad I went ahead and did not put it off.
I have learn if you believe in something and want it. Go out and get it. Let no man or beast stop you.

I have joined an elite group of travelers who have driven the trans Siberian. Now I need to capitalize on it.. And bring out the enterprenuer in me to make it pay!!
Write the book on the journey.
Then the trans Siberian diet.
Of course the computer game driving the trans Siberian journey for kids. Where he has to think of food, fuel and sleeping strategy for his journey.
First steps on how to enjoy camping!!
Book on how to blog from anywhere anytime and keep folk from several countries entertained.
Finally the comedy script on traveling with a Cz, a Pole a Russian and a Brit on the Trans Siberian for 3 weeks. I think I will enjoy the last one immensely.
I have enjoyed writing this Blog and have had some useful comments from a lot of you.
Thank you all for your support and comments. Anyone planning such a trip can contact me on if you need any advise direction of even a simple chat.
I started this Blog by saying in 20 years time you will think of all the things you wanted to do and never did and live to regret. I won't regret this adventure. I write this at Vladivostok airport waiting for my flight back to Moscow and onto London.
I could not have blogged this without the help of our techinical specialist Mark who kept the Blog going even when we were out of range and deep in Siberia.. Thank you Mark for your support!!

Final pic: Boarding flight to Moscow:

Thursday 21 July 2011

As the sun sets on another day on the Pacific. We have completed our journey and dream.

 As the sun sets on another day on the Pacific. We have completed our journey and dream.

 The Car getting a much needed wash....

What Next...

Some of you must be wondering what next. We have a list to cover and will find others wanting to join too. Some thoughts are as follows

Fishing in a remote part of Russia by a volcano and with no land transport

Driving from London to St. Petersburg.

Driving from London to Jo burg
Via the dangerous east coast of Africa.

Round trip of New Zealand

Slough to Sigirya via the Kybher pass.

The north to south of Chile

The Canadian Rockies.

Crossing Greenland using huskies.

Camping across the aus desert.

London to Switzerland in an old Austin 7.

If money was no object the Paris to Dakar rally !!

On Time and On Budget

Hurray!!! We did it.
We have reached Vladivostock on the 21st of July 2011 at 14.38pm.

Well done to the Subaru Legacy.. It simply drove all the way without a whimper.
We were stopped once for a casual Police stop. No speeding tickets no fines..

Some stats
Total distance; 11602km
Max altitude: 2151.7metres
Min altitude -17.8metre
Ave speed 74.6km per hour
Max speed 161.9 km per hour

Some interesting moments on this trip.

The men and women discos we went to in Mogocha.

Mojmirs buys beer thinking it is Fanta.

The disco music from the cars in Lake Baykal.

The lady beating the truck driver on TV. Obviously her mother in law was not in the car. Otherwise she would have not been so hard on the driver.

Jeremy Clarkson and Top gear speaking Russian.

Meeting Valentine in the Altay Mountains.